Pregnancy Fitness & Diet

I am at the very end of pregnancy and I feel that I can finally share a full picture of my working out and staying active journey through the whole 9 months! I had started Crossfit consistently about 2 months before getting pregnant, so that’s just what I continued to do after speaking to my Doctor and doing some research on my own. Dr was completely ok with it and actually said it was one of the best workouts I could keep up with during pregnancy. I altered workouts as I went through the pregnancy but other than some ab workouts, burpees and handstands I pretty  much was able to do every movement with some scaling of weight or reps as I listened to my body. Mostly it felt great though. 

First Trimester was sooo rough and it was such a struggle to make it there. As soon as I found out how healthy and good working out is for your baby and how much they benefit from the increased oxygen that they receive during a workout and how it can benefit a mom in labor and postpartum I actually looked forward to keeping up the routine. It made it easier to go although in the first months when I felt so sick I would really scale the workouts to no weights, less time, or less rounds and change any jumping around moves to something more static. I would try and make it 3 times a week in the beginning sometimes it would be less, and sometimes I would barely be moving through the workout but I made it work! 

When I started to feel better I obviously began to start adding weight slowly and getting more comfortable with jumping movements and other things. I listened to my body a ton through the entire pregnancy, days I felt GOOD, I pushed myself a little bit more although I never really tried to beat personal records or keep up with everyone else in the gym but kind of followed what I was feeling.

When I was feeling better I aimed for a 5 days per week workout schedule, occasionally would do 4 and also occasionally would do 6. It just depended on the week and my schedule, it got much easier when I made it into habit and just a non negotiable part of my day. It helps that my husband Ryan is an avid CrossFit-er and gym go-er and I made it like a date time so it would motivate me to go more lol. Anything to get that habit going right? My back did hurt a ton during the second trimester but I worked through it and got a pregnancy band.

I honestly felt so great with my weight gain and comfortable with whatever I was gaining because I was doing my part to stay healthy. The rest was weight I needed to gain to sustain creating a baby girls life! Thats really hard to grasp as your clothes starts to not fit, bras are way to small and pants wont even go up your hips but the mental benefits from working out helped me through that. 

Pregnancy Diet 

I basically eat the same as before pregnancy, and I am a little more lenient on my cravings during this time. If I catch myself indulging too much I definitely start to notice really quick weight gain and start to see it in my arms so I start to control myself. It’s really crazy how quickly we can put on weight when pregnant! 

As per my Dr and my own research I didn’t really limit myself with Sushi, Turkey, Cheese or anything really. The only thing I really pretty much cut out was Caffeine, and those were for personal reasons on some research I did but most Drs even mine are ok with it! I’m all about everyone doing their own thing and what’s best for them.

When I wasn’t eating Corn Dogs in my first tri, our regular meals are pretty much a ton of protein. We basically have turkey,  steak, ground beef or chicken and a salad at every meal. 

Pregnancy Weight Gain

I gained about 26 lbs which I am shocked by I honestly thought for a second in the middle when I was being  a little too lenient, I was going to be well over 30! I started at 118 and will be hopefully delivering around 144-145 (assuming I deliver in the next few days)! I’ve definitely noticed my arms and back have gotten bigger and swollen throughout the pregnancy but I’m excited to be able to set some goals after I am cleared to workout. 

Im super thankful to have been able to workout throughout my pregnancy and have a healthy entire journey. I know it’s not the same for everyone and even my morning sickness wasn’t as long as most. I have felt great majority of the time and I am thankful for that, and thankful to be able to stay active for myself and my baby! 



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